One of the things that I have done in the last weeks has been to run the integration tests that I have for my MZ-Tools extension (now converted to a package) in Visual Studio 2015 Preview. I have hundreds of them and pass successfully in VS 2005 / 2008 / 2010 / 2012 and 2013 (with some sporadic timing-related failures that I try to reproduce and fix forever, but that’s another subject). When I ran them on VS 2015 Preview, dozens and dozens of them failed, to my desolation, because I immediately knew that there was something very wrong in VS 2015. One after another, I clasified them, identified patterns and all of them were related to the code model (EnvDTE.ProjectItem.FileCodeModel, EnvDTE.CodeElement, etc.) which my add-in uses intensively in several features. Eventually I isolated the root causes and I identified several bugs in the implementation of the automation code model in VS 2015, which soon I learned was changed internally to use the .NET compiler platform (“Roslyn”). I even discovered and disassembled the new assemblies that provide the implementation because one of the bugs is so severe that it crashes Visual Studio:
FatalExecutionEngineError / InvalidCastException after sorting body-less properties in VB.NET file
Although I can reproduce it 100%, I have not isolated it to the minimal package because I think that with the information provided to Microsoft should be enough. I am still awaiting the acknowledgement of the problem.
Other ones, that are far less severe, don’t crash Visual Studio but cause exceptions, and would need some fix:
ComException getting start/end points of EnvDTE80.CodeEvent Adder/Remover/Thrower
EnvDTE.CodeParameter.StartPoint and EndPoint causes exception for “ByVal ParamArray” parameters
EnvDTE.CodeFunction.FunctionKind causes exception for methods of classes with explicit interface implementation
And yet another ones don’t cause exceptions, but return an incorrect value when in VS 2013 returned the correct values:
EnvDTE.CodeElement.FullName doesn’t return full name for constants, fields, methods, properties and events in VB.NET
EnvDTE.CodeClass.Members collection doesn’t include code elements for “Declare” methods of VB.NET class
EnvDTE.CodeFunction.FunctionKind doesn’t return vsCMFunction.vsCMFunctionDestructor for Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
EnvDTE.CodeFunction.FunctionKind doesn’t return correct value for EnvDTE80.CodeEvent.Adder, Remover or Thrower
EnvDTE.CodeDelegate.Attributes and EnvDTE80.CodeEvent.Attributes returns 0 elements always
This change in the implementation of the automation code model to use “Roslyn” is quite surprising to me. I reported lots of bugs in the automation code model in the last years until I got tired of getting the same answer: no fix would be provided because a new API was being developed. Later I learned that the new API was Roslyn but I didn’t expect the automation code model bugs to be fixed by leveraging Roslyn. AFAIK, Microsoft hasn’t provide any information about this change, but the truth is that bugs have been introduced. I have implemented workarounds in my code for some of them until Microsoft fixes them (in VS 2015 CTP5 they are not fixed). There are also a couple of them (very minor) that I haven’t reported yet. So, if your extension uses the automation code model, I encourage you to test that area carefully and report the bugs that you find.