Syncfusion 28 free e-books

Syncfusion (a well known company that provides enterprise-class software components and tools for the Microsoft .NET platform)
has published on its Technology Resource Portal a collection of 28 free
e-books about several technologies, languages and frameworks. All of
them include the “Succinctly” term in the title, which called my
attention because it means that they are larger that an article or blog
post, but smaller than the typical book of 400-500 pages. Interestingly
enough, one of them is about Visual Studio add-ins:

You only need to provide your name, company, e-mail and phone to download them.
Even better, they are provided in .pdf and Kindle formats.

MZ-Tools Articles Series: HOWTO: Get the icons of files in the Solution Explorer

After explaining how to navigate the files of the Solution Explorer using the IVsHierarchy interface (which can be done from a package or from an add-in), as I stated I am going to show how to get the icons of the Solution Explorer items (solution, projects, files, folders, etc.):

HOWTO: Get the icons of files in the Solution Explorer

I have done it with a package rather than with an add-in, but once you understand the technique you can adapt it to your extension.

Once loaded, the package provides a toolwindow that shows a treeview filled similarly to the Solution Explorer.