I’m back from the Microsoft Tech Day / Community Day 2012 at Madrid, which have been great. The aspect that I like most is networking with people, either old MVPs that I already know, new MVPs or other people.
In this event I was introduced to Jesús Salas, the author of VS Anywhere, also available on the Visual Studio Gallery, an extension for Visual Studio that provides team collaboration in real time with a very innovative approach.
I also met my friend Pep Lluis Baños, Visual Basic MVP like me, who brought to the event an intriguing kind of electronic mini motherboard that happened to be the mainboards used in .NET Micro Framework, a technology that I only knew the name. Since I returned, I have been so excited about this technology that I have watched the Gadgeteering and the .NET Micro Framework video, I have read documentation, I have bought the Getting Started with .NET Gadgeteer book that I am reading and I do plan to buy some .NET Gadgeteer Starter Kit for Christmas to start playing. It’s great also to see how powerful and flexible Visual Studio and the .NET Framework have become to accommodate all kind of extensions with project types, visual designers for electronic layouts, debuggers with external devices, etc.