Almost three years ago I wrote this post about Visual Studio version numbers. At that time, Visual Studio 2010 was at Community Technology Preview (CTP) state, not even beta, and some values changed in the Release To Manufacturing (RTM) release. Today I have written this new article for the MZ-Tools Articles Series with updated information and some fix:
As you can see, version numbers are inconsistent across Visual Studio versions. You may have noticed that even the .NET Framework version has become inconsistent: previously you had .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5, and the new version is officially named .NET Framework 4, not .NET Framework 4.0.
This afternoon I was writing an add-in for a new MZ-Tools series article and while I thought that EnvDTE.Window.Kind returned a Guid to identify the kind of a toolwindow, it actually returns the literal “Tool” for all toolwindows.
and I noticed that the information was incorrect and that in Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2010 (I am unable to test Visual Studio .NET 2002 on Windows 7 64-bit), EnvDTE.Window.Kind doesn’t return a Guid but “Tool” for toolwindows and “Document” for document windows. It is the EnvDTE.Window.ObjectKind property which returns such Guid. So, I have updated the article to fix the misleading information.